Productos FEDINSA


Product type: Containers and trays
Material: All
Shape: All
Closure: All
Suitable for: All
Capacity: de 0 a 9999 ml.
Productos encontrados: 28
Mostrando 17 - 28 de 28

What container do you need?

We have a wide range of containers classified by different characteristics.
Combine them to your liking until you get the container that suits your needs.
Material icono_fedinsa_materiales
Shape icono_fedinsa_formas
Closure icono_fedinsa_cierres
Use icono_fedinsa_usos_recomendados
Capacity (ml)

Fedinsa packaging catalogs to download

Download our container catalogs in PDF and choose from among the more than 2,000 articles the one that best suits your needs.
ISO 9001:LRQA Certified SealECOEMBES Certified Seal BRC Packaging Certificate - certification body for Fedinsa envases, S.A. BRC Packaging Certificate - certification body for Fedinsa envases, S.A.